In this futuristic retelling of Cinderella, Cinder is both a gifted mechanic and a cyborg, living on a plague-ravaged Earth that is threatened by a ruthless lunar queen. She becomes involved with a prince, and must uncover secrets about her past in order to protect the fate of the world.
The Hamden Public Library invites readers from grades 7 & 8 to get acquainted with the 2016 Nutmeg Book Award Nominees. Here you will find brief descriptions of each book and links to more information about the authors. Best of all you can leave your comments about each book you read and join our 'straw pole' for your favorite.
Friday, May 1, 2015
Cinder by Marissa Meyer
In this futuristic retelling of Cinderella, Cinder is both a gifted mechanic and a cyborg, living on a plague-ravaged Earth that is threatened by a ruthless lunar queen. She becomes involved with a prince, and must uncover secrets about her past in order to protect the fate of the world.
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Love this series so much! The books are so original and addictive!